Mar 24, 2018
I make a generous offer to a cowardly troll that doesn't like my liberal use of the phrase "by the way", and then rip the meaningless March For Our Lives (AKA the march for privileged white students) a new asshole.
Mar 15, 2018
I call out the "brave" kids that walked out of class on command, get distracted by some ABC fluff piece about prostitution at a Dominican resort, show no sympathy towards the owners of the infamous United dead puppy, show no respect to upside down M's, and blast Disneyland for adding even more political correctness to...
Mar 6, 2018
Back with new shows! I quickly glance over the incredibly boring Academy Awards to examine why Whitey is so upset with Chris Rock, why school shootings are bullshit, and why people are losing their minds on the airplane.