Oct 25, 2016
I express my utter disgust at pink in football, complain about the increasing pussyness in sports, review the Dodgers meltdown in the NLCS, send hate to Cleveland and LeBron James, discover that there's still 12 active WNBA teams, rip on the "talents" of Blac Chyna and destroy her fans.
Oct 19, 2016
I have a discussion with Andy B from Noo Yawk City about old school hip hop, about how much better it is than today's hip hop, share a Nas is a dick story, and learn how he became the "New Normal MC".
Oct 12, 2016
What starts as a call-in podcast featuring your "why" questions gets derailed by a call from the infamous Tom Leykis Show troll known as "BB", followed by an army of brainless imbeciles. Enjoy.
Oct 5, 2016
Creepy clowns have been spotted all over the country... or have they? Reporter Big Angry Phil is on the scene LIVE!